Welcome to SafeTpro

SafeTpro is an OHS (Occuupational Health and Safety) company that concerns itself with safety on construction sites. Safety is paramount in any construction. We endeavour to provide safety files for construction sites so that the criterium can be met for safety requirements as implemented by the safety officer assigned.


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Amazing Global Marketing is the vendor for SafeTpro Amazingprovides these services : First Aid Kits, Forex Guidance, Safety Files, Portfolio Management, Free and Paid Courses, Partners and affiliate networks. Why not join us and support us. Our site is free. The services that are charged are necessary for the upkeep of our website and service offerings. Support us now at Donate .

We specialize in on-site Safety for Construction sites. All construction sites need a safety file so that the management of all safety, construction, contracts and contractors and all the necessary documentation for a full construction is kept and managed. We provide the safety files needed per construction site. Risk assessments and iso compliance are added necessary sercvices which we provide. Contact us and we will fulfill your requirements.

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First Aid Kitts - Order here !

first aid kitts
First Aid

Our First Aid Kitts are a compulsory requirement for any construction company, industrial, manufacturing or factory. We cater for all sizes and we adhere to high standards of quality. Our First Aid Kitts come with a list of necessary items. Extra items can be ordered to add to your Kitt. Your safety officer should be consulted to give the requirements of extras. Orders of personal and home use First Aid Kitts can also be ordered via this platform. We have included the ......

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